Lil’ Pig – Eurovertomechanica – Hilltop Glassworks

Small glass furnace

Let me introduce Lil’ Pig, a custom furnace fabricated for Maestro Lino Tagliapietra in Italy by Eurovertomechanica. It was then imported and installed as a color furnace at Mongrain Glass Studio in 2010 in Mukilteo, WA. It has since been gifted to Hilltop Glassworks to cary on the Venetian tradition of glass making here in the United States.

Venetian style of working directly from the furnace itself, I suspect this traditional unit is the only one of its kind in the United States. A bespoke model, truly unique and bringing a deep history of glassmaking with it to Tacoma. And, like a classic car, it has great lines and is probably terrible on gas. She’s my Lil’ Pig!